
Prabowo Subianto: I Really Don't Believe in Genderuwo's Politics

Prabowo Subianto . Presidential Candidate Prabowo Subianto did not believe in the existence of political gender-like what was stated by the presidential candidate Joko Widodo some time ago. Mother or mothers, invited to open their eyes to politics. In fact, the belief because of politics in its assessment is a desire to improve the lives of the people. then, for now volunteers who are sympathetic and fair are invited to visit the region. this is the goal of politics to improve politics. "I don't think there is political gender, what is it like, I don't know what it looks like. But it's okay, stop, don't talk too much, "said when speaking at Sukaraja Village, Jatisari Village, Karangpawitan, Garut, West Java, Saturday (11/17). Prabowo Subianto: does not believe in the politics of genderuwo The reason for every human being is to open his eyes to politics. Because dealing with personal interests. For example, the responsibility of mothers who gave birth ...

Cries of Prabowo-Sandiaga When Campaigning in Progressive Central Java Up

Prabowo Subianto . The campaign in Central Java strengthened Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Uno's National Winning Body. "Indeed, the posts will be multiplied, there will be strengthened," said BPN spokesman Dahnil Anzar Simanjuntak at the Prabowo-Sandi Command Post in Menteng, Jakarta, Sunday (9/12). Then, the Central Java Region was the basis of the PDI Perjuangan, but for Prabowo-Sandiaga the area was a battle. "In many places we win a lot in thin Central Java, based on our internal survey," he explained. Dahnil said that based on the Prabowo-Sandiaga voice survey, the number jumped to 43% or thin from Jokowi-Ma'ruf. "We are progressively going up, while the store is next to stagnant," he said.

Finally Prabowo Subianto inaugurated the winning command post in Boyolali

Prabowo Subianto . Candidates for President Prabowo Subianto made his visit this time in Boyolali District, Central Java in order to inaugurate the Prabowo-Sandi and Indonesian Adil Makmur Coalition Leadership Post. In the inauguration of the post, Prabowo was also accompanied by General Chair of the National Mandate Party (PAN) Zukifli Hasan and former Central Java Governor Bibit Waluyo. "By saying bismillaahirrahmaanirrahim and asking for the mercy of Allah SWT, I will establish this winning post," said Prabowo while cutting the ribbon at the yard of the Prabowo-Sandi winning post and the Adil Makmur Self Coalition in Boyolali Regency, Central Java, In addition to Zukifli Hasan and Bibit Waluyo, they also attended the event, namely the former Boyolali Djaka Regent Srijanta, Bambang Riyanto, RI DPR Member Gerindra Faction, KH Ali Mukson Chairman Muhammadiyah Boyolali, Siti Zumrotun Chairman Aisyah Boyolali, NU Boyolali figure KH Khomaedi, KH Ichsanudin, KH Habib Nasuha...

Accompanied by Zulkifli Hasan and Bibit Waluyo, Prabowo finally inaugurated the winning post in Boyolali

Prabowo Subianto . Candidates for President Prabowo Subianto made his visit this time in Boyolali District, Central Java in order to inaugurate the Prabowo-Sandi and Indonesian Adil Makmur Coalition Leadership Post. In the inauguration of the post, Prabowo was also accompanied by General Chair of the National Mandate Party (PAN) Zukifli Hasan and former Central Java Governor Bibit Waluyo. "By saying bismillaahirrahmaanirrahim and asking for the mercy of Allah SWT, I will launch this winning post," said Prabowo while cutting the ribbon in the yard of the Prabowo-Sandi and the Prosperous Prosperity Coalition of Boyolali Regency, Central Java, Tuesday (10/30/2018). In addition to Zukifli Hasan and Bibit Waluyo, they also attended the event, namely the former Boyolali Djaka Regent Srijanta, Bambang Riyanto, RI DPR Member Gerindra Faction, KH Ali Mukson Chairman Muhammadiyah Boyolali, Siti Zumrotun Chairman Aisyah Boyolali, NU Boyolali figure KH Khomaedi, KH Ichsanudin, KH H...

Prabowo Is Very Believed By The Community To Become An Indonesian Leader In 2019

Prabowo Subianto . Candidate for Vice President Number 02, Sandiaga Salahudin Uno, said about the staging action carried out by the Free Papua Organization a separatist group, in Nduga Regency, Papua. Even Sandi stated that this was because the government's attitude was not strict in taking action from the separatist organization. Sandiaga Uno hopes for an effort someday the Free Papua Organization or the armed separatist group can return to the NKRI. Then, Sandiaga assessed that the problem had always been a matter of conversation with Prabowo Subianto. "If we do not have a strong government and a strict pattern of government and of course policies that ensure justice and prosperity, we will experience conflicts like this," said Sandiaga in Cipulir, South Jakarta, Saturday, December 8, 2018. Former Deputy Governor of DKI Sandiaga Uno is very unfortunate that a problem has occurred in Papua. In fact, while the infrastructure was being built up by the government for ...

Prabowo Subianto: I am Very Concerned About the Ulamas That Are Belait classified as Radical Groups

Prabowo Subianto . Prabowo Subianto Presidential Candidate Number 02, stated that he majority of Muslims in Indonesia are rational Muslims. In fact, he claimed to be very concerned about the number of scholars currently classified as radical groups. Prabowo stated, that the leader has a very important role to protect the ulama and educate the people to get lost when taking a radical path. "I am convinced that the majority of Muslims in Indonesia are moderate and they are very tired of being categorized as radical politics. But again, it is the responsibility of a leader to lead, the leader must teach, "said Prabowo in his official statement on Wednesday (11/28). In the World 2019 program held by the Economist in Singapore, the statement was delivered by Prabowo. Then, the General Chair of the Gerindra Party was optimistic that the majority of religious leaders in Indonesia campaigned for peaceful Islamic teachings and criticized resakalisme. The middle way of Islam in...

Prabowo Subianto Prays Prayer By Habib Ali In the Birthday of the Prophet Muhammad

Prabowo Subianto . Muhammad Al Habsyi bin Habib Ali Abdurrahman was a direct descendant by direct descendants of Habib Ali Bin Abdurrahman Al Habsyi (Habib Ali Kwitang), Candidate for President Prabowo Subianto was welcomed. The Chairperson of the Gerindra Party DPP came at the commemoration of the Birthday of the Prophet Muhammad and the Haul Habib of Kwitang, which was held at the Habib Ali Al Habsyi District Parliament Building, Jalan Kwitang, Central Jakarta, Thursday (6/12). Habib Ali introduced Prabowo Subianto as a friend of his father and grandfather, in front of thousands of worshipers present. Habib Ali offered a prayer for Prabowo Subianto at the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad Prabowo was prayed for by Habib Ali, so that what was fought for and aspired to defend the interests of the people and people of Indonesia was given convenience by Allah SWT. "Hopefully the arrival of Mr. Prabowo brings a lot of goodness, facilitated by all struggles, getting blessed a...

Statement from Aboutga Prabowo About Residence

Prabowo Subianto . The presidential candidate pair - Vice-president number 02 Prabowo-Sandiaga was blamed by the Jokowi-Maufuf faction for not popularizing from among the descendants of rich people and businessmen. The statement was stated by the Secretary of the Jokowi-Ma'ruf Amin National Campaign Team, Hasto Kristiyanto. But on this basis, Hasto believed that Prabowo-Sandiaga's campaign to the market until his mother did not have any impact on the second electability in the 2019 Presidential Election. "Whatever Mr. Sandi is, he is a very wealthy businessman. Likewise, Pak Prabowo, especially with the preferences of parents, and in-laws, "added Hasto in a written message on Tuesday (10/16). Then, Hasto's statement denied to the Auara Kaunialutanu account posting an acknowledgment to a neighbor, one village with Prabowo Subianto in Prabowo's house, Hambalang, Bogor. Prabowo's neighbor named Waskita Rini. Aura dared to testify the truth of the conf...

Visiting Magetan, Prabowo Throws himself to Pilgrimage to the Tomb of Governor Soerjo

Prabowo Subianto . Magetan - After making his visit around Central Java, now it is the turn of the Candidate President Prabowo Subianto to visit East Java. Prabowo's activities begin with visiting Magetan Regency. In Magetan, the candidate number 02 will visit and meet with the heads of Islamic boarding schools and santri. The plan is for Prabowo and his entourage to meet with the leaders of the Sabilli Muttaqin Islamic Boarding School in Takeran Village, Magetan. However, before visiting the Sabilli Muttaqin Islamic Boarding School, Prabowo took time to make a pilgrimage to Raden Mas Tumenggung's tomb Ario Soerjo or what Governor Soerjo is familiar with in Kepolorejo Village, Magetan. "On today's agenda, Mr. Prabowo will visit and visit Sabilli Muttaqin Islamic Boarding School, Magetan. Because he was in Magetan, Pak Prabowo took the time to make a pilgrimage to Governor Soerjo's tomb first, "said Chairman of the Gerindra Party DPP, Setyoko in Magetan, ...

Sounding Indonesian Economy Still Difficult, Zulkifli Invites Boyolali Residents to Choose Prabowo-Sandi

Prabowo Subianto . Boyolali – Hari ini Calon Presiden Prabowo Subianto menghadiri peresmian Posko Pemenangan Prabowo-Sandi di Boyolali, Jawa Tengah. Dalam kesempatan tersebut, Juru Kampanye Nasional Prabowo-Sandi, Zulkifli Hasan menanyakan kepada relawan dan warga Boyolali yang hadir terkait kondisi kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara saat ini dari aspek sosial dan ekonomi. Zulkifli awalnya menanyakan kepada relawan terkait kondisi sosial bangsa apakah sudah diurus dengan benar atau belum sejak dipimpin oleh Presiden Joko Widodo. “Karena ini relawan, saya kasih tips, tanya pada rakyat. Bapak-bapak Ibu-ibu negeri kita ini ngurusnya sudah benar apa belum, damai, aman, sentosa, amat gaduh apa rusuh?,” tanya Zulkifli, Selasa (30/10/2018). “Rusuh,” jawab relawan dan warga Boyolali serempak. Zulkifli berujar, jika apa yang dirasakan warga Boyolali dan Jawa Tengah demikian, maka saat pencoblosan Pilpres 2019 memilih capres nomor urut 02 Prabowo-Sandi. “Kalau belum damai, ayo...

Central Java Becomes the Place to Move Prabowo-Sandiaga's Headquarters

Prabowo Subianto . Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Uno moved his headquarters in Central Java Hendri Satrio Observer of political communication at the University of Paramadina, saw this as a plan from the Prabowo camp "Yes, indeed seizing Central Java is an important thing for Prabowo. Let alone seize, thinning the distance with Jokowi alone can have a positive impact in other areas, "Hendri said, according to him is a good plan if the password is to protect his headquarters in Central Java "So if later Sandiaga moved his command headquarters in Central Java it was very strategic, a brilliant plan," he explained. Director of the National Winning Body (BPN) Sudirman said that his party was considering moving the headquarters of the fight for the password to Central Java Thus, said Sudirman, Sandiaga will more easily manage the winning strategy for the remainder of the campaign period. "What is being considered a move is the headquarters of the struggle f...

Prabowo Subianto: Will Not Give Up at Election This time

Prabowo Subianto .  Prabowo Subianto said he would not surrender in the upcoming 2019 election for twiitters to ask Prabowo about the form of struggle his team was fighting for was the truth Next is Prabowo said: "I appeal to all volunteers that our struggle is not only convincing that what we stand for is the truth, but we also have to convince people around us for #PeriksaDPT in their respective regions, "he said Warganet named Ida then called Prabowo a figure determined to become president. "Sir, can you tx? For example, the number is not enough for RI 1. To be dedicated to this country not only for RI 1. Whoever he wants is from any ethnicity of any religion. If he can fully support !! Don't feel ahh ... I can It's not like that, Pak Prabowo. Prabowo replied to the message He said that he would not give up.  then he will not stop fighting. "Currently ahead of the election, there are only two pairs of candidates for the presidential e...

Prabowo Subianto: Disability must also get the right to life

Prabowo Subianto . Prabowo Subianto said disability in Indonesia must claim the right to live "this spirit" he said "All leaders must fight to protect all of Indonesia's bloodshed. "People with disabilities must get the right to live properly and respectfully in Indonesia," he said at the time Prabowo was invited as a guest and was given the opportunity to speak to hundreds of members of the Indonesian disability community, Grand Sahid Jaya Hotel, Jakarta. Prabowo said he always struggled to get the same rights as ordinary people "The political parties that I lead today (Gerindra Party) feel that they are fighting for all the people of Indonesia. And there we invite the disability community in Indonesia to be citizens who share the right to live honorably in Indonesia, "he said Prabowo continued what he did according to the mandate of independence as outlined in the opening of the 1945 Constitution, namely, he said, the question of the g...

Prabowo Subianto Doesn't Want To Campaign If Only For Imagery

Prabowo Subianto . Candidates for President Prabowo Subianto rarely appear on television screens during this 2019 Presidential Election campaign. Some even considered the General Chairperson of the Gerindra Party not only because they rarely appeared and were covered by the media. However, the reason is incorrect. Prabowo Subianto turned out to have very dense activities even though it was far from journalists' observations. According to Deputy Chairperson of the Gerindra Party DPP in the field of regeneration and public information, Sugiono, although it is not a public agenda such as holding an open campaign with thousands of people in the regions. But the activities carried out by the former Kopassus Danjen were aimed at the wider public interest. "Many people do not know that Mr. Prabowo's agenda is very dense even though it is not a public agenda," said Sugiono, Jakarta. "But the agenda of the activities he undertakes is aimed at the public interest ...

The Gerindra Party Finally Followed the Conference

Prabowo Subianto . This meeting will be the last agenda of the Gerindra Party during 2018. The Management of the Gerindra Party Regional Leadership Council (DPD) attended the National Conference at the Sentul International Convention Center and the Gerindra party will gather thousands of legislative candidates throughout Indonesia to equalize the strategy of winning the 2019 election The spokesman for the South Sumatra Gerindra Party, Sawaluddin Arief said "This activity, in order to measure the success of the prabow-password to 68 percent and the victory of the Gerindra Party candidates became the leadership element at all levels," 68 percent, according to Sawal, is realistic in the midst of the condition of the Indonesian people.

Hundreds of Santri in Klaten Pray for Prabowo Subianto

Prabowo Subianto . Klaten - After attending activities in Boyolali Regency, Presidential Candidate number 02 Prabowo Subianto returned to his visit in the Central Java region. This time he visited Klaten Regency to meet with leaders, administrators and students at the Darul Quran Salafiyah Islamic Boarding School. Prabowo Prays for Hundreds of Santri and Community of Klaten When he arrived at the Salafiyah Darul Quran Ponpes complex, Prabowo and his entourage were immediately welcomed by hundreds of students who stood along the road to the Ponpes. The students who raised the small red and white flag were also scrambling to shake hands with Prabowo. Not only santri, hundreds of local people in Demakijo village, Karangnongko, Klaten were also enthusiastic in welcoming Prabowo's presence. When he arrived at the Ponpes hall, Prabowo was also warmly welcomed by KH Muhammad Suntadji as Head of Darul Quran Islamic Boarding School Salafiyah and KH Syahri as Chair of Klaten's Darul...